Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mr. Rogers' Music Comes To Our Neighborhood

SFA to present 'The Music of Fred Rogers'.

NACOGDOCHES, TX, Jan. 28, 2009 - Tracy Ward, adjunct music instructor at Stephen F. Austin State University, will present a faculty lecture recital on the music of Fred Rogers at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 2, in Cole Concert Hall on the SFA campus.

Ward, who has done extensive research on Rogers and his music, explained that even though Rogers is best known for his famed 'Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood,' he viewed himself first and foremost as a songwriter.

"In fact, he wrote over 300 songs and operas, and his compositional style employs complex, rich harmonies; unusual settings; and a variety of forms and styles that one would expect from a gifted composer."

Ward's discussion about the songs will include quotes from Rogers’ wife and co-workers that she gathered during interviews. All songs featured will be performed live by Ward and various SFA music faculty and students.

The lecture recital, which is a joint presentation of the SFA College of Fine Arts and School of Music, is free and open to the public. Cole Concert Hall is located in the Tom and Peggy Wright Music Building, 2210 Alumni Dr. For more information, please call (936) 468-6407.

-- Sylvia Bierschenk


Friday, January 30, 2009

Big Sandy Volleyball Player Signs With NCTC

Two year scholarship awarded to Wildcat standout.

Big Sandy, TX -- Jazzline (Jazz) Montgomery, a senior at Big Sandy High School, was recently offered a full two-year scholarship by Coach Angie Bullard to play volleyball for the upcoming season at North Central Texas College in Gainesville.

Jazz played Big Sandy varsity volleyball for three years as a Middle Blocker/Hitter. She missed her freshman year due to an injury, but stayed involved by serving as the team's manager.

She's worked hard at her sport, playing in summer leagues and attending summer camps, and found increasing success each year. She was selected her sophomore year as Newcomer of the Year, her junior year as MVP Hitter, and her senior year as MVP Blocker, All State Academic, and All East Texas Honorable Mention. She was also the team's co-captain. Jazz is also involved in other sports. She is currently playing basketball and participates in track.

Those who know Jazz best have nothing but accolades for the senior. Quoting from the school website:

Funny, a joy to be with, a leader, a friend, a great teammate, a volleyball idol, a role model, and a dose of daily laughter are a few descriptions of this fine athlete. Sometimes it takes more than just ability. Attitude and effort are the key things in life, and I truly can say Jazz has these qualities. She has a wonderful role model, her mother, Evangeline Hodge, who has raised her to be a fine young lady, and to be respectful of others and to work hard and not give up or quit. My visits with Jazz and her mom have been memorable; they hold a special place in my heart. (Coach Cooksey)

The Advocate joins her family, classmates, teachers and coaches in congratulating Ms. Montgomery, and wishing her much continued success.


ETMC, Henderson Memorial To Merge

Deal hoped to be final in a few months.

HENDERSON, TX, Jan. 28, 2009 -- ETMC announced the merger of Henderson Memorial Hospital and the East Texas Medical Center Regional Healthcare System in it's newsletter Wednesday, saying that the agreement between HMH and ETMC was not final, but would likely address several factors, including:
* Ongoing community participation through the local hospital board
* Clinical equipment enhancements
* Information technology upgrades
* Long-term facility plan
* Employee retention and benefits
* Physician recruitment and retention

The two organizations have signed a letter of intent, and negotiations are ongoing to finalize the terms, under which Henderson Memorial would likely become ETMC Henderson.

"We are extremely pleased with the anticipated affiliation,” Mark Leitner, Henderson Memorial Hospital CEO, was quoted as saying.

Leitner went on to say “The process that was followed by Henderson Memorial Hospital's board of directors was designed to assure that the health needs of our communities would be best served through such an affiliation.

“The residents of Henderson and Rusk County can remain confident that the hospital will not only survive but will thrive during the coming years. Of the many health systems considered, the ETMC Regional Healthcare System was determined to be best prepared and most interested in preserving high quality care for our patients,”

Read the full notice at


Thursday, January 29, 2009

TDA Looking For Summer Food Service Sponsors

Organizations Needed to Feed Hungry Children This Summer

AUSTIN, TX., Jan. 28, 2009 -- Federally funded school breakfasts and lunches help millions of low-income children in Texas get nutritious meals during the school year. The Texas Department of Agriculture is looking for organizations to sponsor the Summer Food Service Program to provide children a healthy diet when school is not in session.

"It's a disturbing reality that for many children, the only healthy meals they receive are the ones served at school during the academic year," Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples said. "We are committed to ensuring Texas children continue to receive nutritious meals even after school closes for summer, and we will do that through the help of organizations willing to participate in the Summer Food Service Program."

Last summer, 344 sponsors participated in the program, serving more than 12.6 million meals to children at more than 2,878 sites. Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Jacksonville fed many deserving Texas children.

"If not for the Summer Food Service Program, many of the children would not have received a nutritious meal during the day," said Ana Paredes, Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church faith formation director. "It made a difference. You could see it in their eyes when they got that food."

The Summer Food Service Program is offered statewide in areas or at sites where more than 50 percent of the children are eligible for free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Program. Organizations that provide services in rural communities or near migrant farm workers and American Indian populations are urged to participate. Eligible sponsoring organizations include schools, nonprofit residential summer camps, government agencies and tax-exempt organizations.

TDA encourages any eligible organization to consider providing this much-needed service to Texas children. The agency will begin accepting applications to participate on Feb. 16. Approved sponsors will be reimbursed meals served to children during the long summer break. Applications are available at and are due by Apr. 15.

Potential sponsors are required to take training courses offered in several cities before participating in the Summer Food Service Program. Training begins in February for early applicants.

For more information about the TDA's nutrition programs, visit or or call the Food and Nutrition Division office at (877) TEX-MEAL, 877-839-6325.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

9-11 Firefighter To Speak At NTCC

Where were you on September 11, 2001? Jay Jonas was at Ground Zero.

RELEASE, Jan. 28, 2009 -- Jay Jonas, a Battalion Chief for the New York City Fire Department, was leading one of the first responding units at the World Trade Center after the terrorist attacks. On Wednesday, February 11 Jonas will share his inspirational story about what happened that infamous day at the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts at Northeast Texas Community College.

This lecture is presented by the NTCC Foundation and Communities In Schools and will be presented twice - at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. General admission is $5 and all students get in free.

“Each year we bring a speaker to NTCC as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series. Many of our younger children barely remember September 11 and some don’t remember it at all. We felt that it would be a great time to bring Chief Jonas to our area to share his story,” Dr. Jonathan McCullough, NTCC Vice President for Institutional Advancement, said.

Jonas is currently Chief of Battalion two in Lower Manhattan. During his 24-year career with FDNY he has worked in the South Bronx, Harlem, the Lower East Side of Manhattan and Chinatown. On September 11, 2001, Jonas and his unit were rescuing a woman from the north tower of the World Trade Center when it collapsed on them. The unit survived the collapse and its entrapment in the rubble. Chief Jonas was later selected as the official representative from FDNY at President Bush’s address to the nation at the U.S. Capitol Building following September 11.

Chief Jonas has been published several times in professional publications, and was the author of procedures for the New York City Fire Department to rescue trapped firefighters. Jonas appeared on NBC Dateline and The Miracle of Ladder Co. 6., and was featured in an ABC television documentary based on Dennis Smith's book Report from Ground Zero.

He is the recipient of the Bishop’s Cross, given by the Bishop of the New York Diocese of the Episcopal Church. Jonas received a “Men of the Year Award” from The Men’s World Day Organization in Vienna, Austria, presented by Mikhail Gorbachev and Paul McCartney.

Jonas has an AAS Degree in Fire Protection Technology from Orange County Community College (SUNY) and a BS Degree in Fire Administration from Empire State College (SUNY). He and his wife live in Goshen, NY and have three children.

For more information about this event, please call 903-434-8181 or visit


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Red Cross Tips For Winter Storm Preparedness

The Red Cross has assembled a list of things you can do to be ready for winter storms.

INTERNET, Jan 26, 2009 -- The Red Cross offers the following advice on how to prepare for winter weather and storms:

Prepare a Winter Storm Plan
* Have extra blankets on hand.
* Ensure that each member of your household has a warm coat, gloves or mittens, hat, and water-resistant boots.

Assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit Containing
* First aid kit and essential medications.
* Battery-powered NOAA Weather radio, flashlight, and extra batteries.
* Canned food and can opener.
* Bottled water (at least one gallon of water per person per day to last at least 3 days).
* Extra warm clothing, including boots, mittens, and a hat.
* Assemble a Disaster Supplies Kit for your car, too.
* Have your car winterized before winter storm season.

Stay Tuned for Storm Warnings
* Listen to NOAA Weather Radio and your local radio and TV stations for updated storm information.

Know What Winter Storm WATCHES and WARNINGS Mean
* A winter storm WATCH means a winter storm is possible in your area.
* A winter storm WARNING means a winter storm is headed for your area.
* A blizzard WARNING means strong winds, blinding wind-driven snow, and dangerous wind chill are expected. Seek shelter immediately!

When a Winter Storm WATCH is Issued...
* Listen to NOAA Weather Radio, local radio, and TV stations, or cable TV such as The Weather Channel for further updates.
* Be alert to changing weather conditions.
* Avoid unnecessary travel.

When a Winter Storm WARNING is Issued
* Stay indoors during the storm.
* If you must go outside, several layers of lightweight clothing will keep you warmer than a single heavy coat. Gloves (or mittens) and a hat will prevent loss of body heat. Cover your mouth to protect your lungs.
* Understand the hazards of wind chill, which combines the cooling effect of wind and cold temperatures on exposed skin.
* As the wind increases, heat is carried away from a person's body at an accelerated rated, driving down the body temperature.
* Walk carefully on snowy, icy, sidewalks.
* After the storm, if you shovel snow, be extremely careful. It is physically strenuous work, so take frequent breaks. Avoid overexertion.
* Avoid traveling by car in a storm, but if you must...
o Carry a Disaster Supplies Kit in the trunk.
o Keep your car's gas tank full for emergency use and to keep the fuel line from freezing.
o Let someone know your destination, your route, and when you expect to arrive. If your car gets stuck along the way, help can be sent along your predetermined route.

If You Do Get Stuck...
* Stay with your car. Do not try to walk to safety.
* Tie a brightly colored cloth (preferably red) to the antenna for rescuers to see.
* Start the car and use the heater for about 10 minutes every hour. Keep the exhaust pipe clear so fumes won't back up in the car.
* Leave the overhead light on when the engine is running so that you can be seen.
* As you sit, keep moving your arms and legs to keep blood circulating and to stay warm.
* Keep one window away from the blowing wind slightly open to let in air.

What to Do After a Winter Storm
* Continue listening to local radio or television stations or a NOAA Weather Radio for updated information and instructions. Access may be limited to some parts of the community, or roads may be blocked.
* Help a neighbor who may require special assistance--infants, elderly people, and people with disabilities. Elderly people and people with disabilities may require additional assistance. People who care for them or who have large families may need additional assistance in emergency situations.
* Avoid driving and other travel until conditions have improved. Roads may be blocked by snow or emergency vehicles.
* Avoid overexertion. Heart attacks from shoveling heavy snow are a leading cause of deaths during winter.
* Follow forecasts and be prepared when venturing outside. Major winter storms are often followed by even colder conditions.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Free GED Classes Offered In Lone Star

Free GED classes, offered by the Northeast Texas Community College, begin in Pittsburg Feb. 3rd.

MT. PLEASANT, TX., Jan. 25, 2009 -- The Adult Education Department at Northeast Texas Community College will be offering free General Education Development (GED) classes in Lone Star beginning in February.

Students interested in attending classes must enroll in a 12-hour orientation. The NTCC Adult Education Department is a division of the department of Outreach Services at NTCC. Classes will be held at the Lone Star Elementary Cafeteria.

Orientations will be given on January 20th, 22nd, 27th and 29th from 5-8 p.m. Classes begin February 3rd.

For more information, contact: 903-434-8252.

Reprinted from the NTCC Website,


NTCC announces February Continuing Education Courses

CEC couses offered on a range of subjects, from composting to blogging.

MT. PLEASANT, TX., Jan. 29, 2009 -- The Continuing Education department at Northeast Texas Community College provides many opportunities for area residents to have fun and learn new skills. To register for any of the classes included below or for more information, please call 903-434-8134.

The following classes will be held during the month of February:

Learn practical techniques on how to make and use compost to gain the maximum crop yield in northeast Texas. Indoor composting, sheet composting, worm composting and no till mulch composting will be discussed. Choose a location near you. Jim Wylie, Instructor. Tuesday, Feb. 3 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Hanson-Sewell Center, Tuesday, Feb. 10 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Naples-Omaha Center or Tuesday, Feb. 17 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the NTCC Campus Shelby Bldg. Tuition/Fees: $15.

Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture
Join us for a general overview of and introduction to sustainable agriculture. Discussion will focus on environmental stewardship, rural communities, and farm profitability. Dr. Charlie Apter, Instructor. Mondays, Feb. 3 to March 2 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $30.

Fundamentals of Goat Management
Interested in starting up your own goat business? This class will cover breeds of goats, fencing and housing requirements, breeding and reproduction, kidding of goats, care of the doe after kidding, nutritional requirements, feeding equipment, general health management, diseases, internal parasites, and medications. Byron Lum, Instructor. Tuesdays, Feb. 3 to Feb. 17 from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $50.

Understanding Soil Fertility; Fruit, Berry, and Nut Production
Students will learn the fundamentals of soil fertility, nutrients, soil tests and interpretation, fertilizer use, and the difference between organic and inorganic. Peach, plum, berry, and nut variety selection will also be discussed along with site selection, site preparation, spacing, pruning & planting, general management, and insect & disease control. Byron Lum, Instructor. Tuesdays, Feb. 24 to March 10 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $50.

Alternative Fuels Program
This is your chance to start your own biodiesel production enterprise for your own fuel use or commercial sale. This is an individualized instructional program. Jim Wylie, Instructor. Open Enrollment at the NTCC Campus Shelby Bldg. Tuition/Fees: $300 ($275 scholarship awarded by Alternative Fuels grant)

Intro to Stained Glass
Learn how to cut glass and create a sun-catcher or other small project using the copper foil method. Debbie Strong, Instructor. Tuesdays, Feb. 10 to March 24 from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $80. Supplies available for purchase in class.

Swedish Weave Afghans
Create a beautiful afghan from Monk’s cloth. Learn to design layout, and complete the stitching for the afghan. Linda Bond, Instructor. Mondays, Feb.9 to March 2 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the Naples-Omaha Center. Tuition/Fees: $35. Supplies: $25.

Create your own journal on the web. Learn to comprise text, hypertext, images, and links (to other web pages and to video, audio, and other files). This is a great tool to enhance your business too! Lonnie Beene, Instructor. Wednesdays, Feb. 18 to March 11 from 6-8 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $70.

Internet Savvy! The Basics
Learn all about “surfing the net”. This class will teach you how to stay in touch with family and friends using email, using your home page and doing research on the World Wide Web. Julie Lyon, Instructor. Fridays, Feb. 13 to March 6 from 1-3 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $45. Book available for purchase.

Learn How to Buy and Sell the Ebay Way
One man’s treasure is another’s junk. Learn the ins and outs of EBay. Work from home or just earn extra income by buying and selling goods only. You’ll learn how to set up an Ebay account, to buy or to sell, to effectively market your product, how to safely conduct financial transactions and how to accept credit card payments. Kevin Frost, Instructor. Fridays, Feb. 6 –March 13 from 1-3 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $55. Book available for purchase.

Excel 2007 – Level II – Using Spreadsheets.
Now that you’ve mastered the basics of Excel, learn more advanced techniques. You’ll learn more about moving and copying cell contents; using mathematical, statistical and financial functions; generating reports; and displaying graphical information. Prerequisite * Introduction to MS Office or a working knowledge of Excel.
Tuesdays, Feb. 3 to Feb.17 from 6-9 p.m. Julie Lyon, Instructor. at the NTCC Campus.
Tuition/Fees: $50. Book available for purchase.

Excel 2007 – Advanced – Level III
You’ve done a great job leaning intermediate Excel skills. Let yourself become really proficient by learning advanced skills of macro programming, database functions, merging/linking spreadsheets, data file transfer, and Boolean functions. Julie Lyon, Instructor. Tuesdays, Feb.24 to March 10 from 6-9 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $50. Book available for purchase.

Beginning Game Development
This is the first course in video game development. You will begin learning how to create your own video games. We will learn the terminology and processes that are important in game development. You will be given the software (free license) to be used on your own computer at home. Maze games will be the focus of this class. Students must know how to use the operating system. Beth Biggerstaff, Instructor. For ages 12 and older. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb. 10 to Feb. 26 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Pittsburg High School, Room 404. Tuition/Fees: $65.

Food Protection Management Certification for Food Handlers- English and Spanish
Common food safety and sanitation practices that should be utilized in all food establishments. Berette Hart, Instructor. Feb. 21 and Feb. 28 from 8 5 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $132 (Exam Fee Included)

Intermediate Social Dance
Instruction will include dance etiquette, intermediate dance positions, leading and following, selecting the right dance for the music and 5or 6 steps in each of the following dances: foxtrot, swing/jitterbug, cha-cha, and waltz.
Toni LaBeff, Instructor. Thursdays, Feb. 2 to March 12 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. at the Naples-Omaha Center. Tuition/Fees: $50.

Create Your Own Cards and Invitations
Students will learn how to design and produce simple documents like birthday and special holiday cards, party invitations, business, cards, name plates for special occasions, etc. on the computer. Mary Katherine Milam, Instructor. Tuesdays, Feb. 24 to March 10 from 1-3 p.m. at the Hanson-Sewell Center. Tuition/Fees: $35.

Woodworking Safety
Learn proper safety techniques including stationary tools like the router and circular saw. Students must furnish own safety glasses and a measuring tape. Gary Pearson, Instructor. Tuesday and Thursday, Feb. 17 and Feb. 19 from 7-9 p.m. at the Pittsburg High School Vocational Building. Tuition/Fees: $25.

Basic Woodworking
Create a project in class! The novice woodworker will gain a good understanding of how to successfully complete a project. Student must attend the “Woodworking Safety” class as a prerequisite for this class. Gary Pearson, Instructor. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb. 24 to March 5 from 6-9 p.m. at the Pittsburg High School Vocational Building. Tuition/Fees: $65. Supplies: $100.

Operating Sound Reinforcement Systems
Does your church, school, or other organization need people to operate sound systems for meetings and events? If so, this is the class for you. Miles Young, Instructor.
Saturdays, Feb.7 to Feb. 21 from 9-12 noon. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $55.

Concealed Handgun Class
Learn the basic firearm safety, Texas concealed handgun laws, choosing a weapon and holster, and shoot/don’t shoot scenarios. Includes fingerprinting and photo ID to apply for a concealed handgun license. Dr. Luke Collier, Instructor.
Thursday Feb. 19 from 6-10 p.m. and Saturday, Feb. 21 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the
NTCC Campus - Criminal Justice Building. Tuition/Fees: $125.

Concealed Handgun License Renewal Class
This is your opportunity to renew your handgun license. Dr. Luke Collier, Instructor.
Saturday, Feb. 21 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the NTCC Campus – Criminal Justice Building. Tuition/Fees: $75.

Police Academy – Basic Peace Officer
Basic preparation for a new peace officer. Should be taken in conjunction with Basic Peace Officer II, III, and IV to satisfy the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement approved Basic Peace Officer Training Academy. Night classes start Feb. 23. in Greenville. Tuition/Fees: $1300. Supplies: $325.

Crisis Intervention-Intermediate
This class will educate law enforcement officers about issues pertaining to crisis intervention techniques, especially in communicating with persons with a mental illness. This course meets the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, 16 hour requirement for peace officers in Texas. Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 10 and Feb. 11 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Pittsburg. Tuition/Fees: $65.

Courtesy and Civility – Social Skills for Kids
This program teaches basic manners, etiquette, social skills and respect to children ages 7-12. Renee Johns, Instructor. Thursdays, Feb. 5 to Feb. 26 from 4 – 5:15 p.m. at the Hanson-Sewell Center. Tuition/Fees: $30

Ancient Legacies (Armchair Travel Course) King Tut and the Legacy of Ancient Egypt
Through a lively combination of lectures, digital slide, video, and musical presentations participants will be introduced to ancient Egypt through an acquaintance with the many wondrous discoveries and precious artifacts found in the tomb of Tatankhamen (King Tut), many of which are currently on display at the Dallas Museum of Art in Dallas, TX. Dr. Ron Clinton, Instructor. Monday, Feb. 2 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Hanson-Sewell Center. Tuition/Fees: $15.

Electrician – Mandatory Update
This course provides Electrical licensing requirements and state laws and rules that regulate the conduct of licensed electricians. The course also provides a review of the latest edition of the National Electrical Code including notable Code revision. This four-hour course is required to be completed every year prior to the license renewal and may be repeated multiple times to improver participant proficiency. The Licensure/Certification Agency: Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Earl Hale, Instructor. Monday, Feb. 9 from 6-10 p.m. at the NTCC Campus. Tuition/Fees: $69.

Note: All classes need a minimum number of students in order for the class to be held. If your class does not have enough students it will be cancelled and you will be informed by phone.

Don’t Forget: Education2Go (Ed2Go) classes are available online. Go to to see a complete listing of classes. To register click on the Orientation link. Typical course cost is $99.

PLAN NOW: Dr. Ron Clinton, professor of Humanities at Northeast Texas Community College, invites you to join him and a distinguished group of faculty from Southern Illinois University-Carbondale on the trip of a lifetime. See and experience first-hand the wonders of the civilizations of Ancient Egypt and/or Greece and Turkey.

Select one or both of these exciting new travel excursions co-sponsored by the University of Southern Illinois and NTCC planned for late May and early June, 2009. Through a partnership agreement between NTCC and SIU- Carbondale, students desiring college credit may either register through NTCC for freshman level college courses in Humanities and Philosophy or, for those desiring more advanced junior/senior level courses in philosophy, literature, or history; students may register without paying out of state tuition through Southern Illinois University.

Intellectual Expedition in Egypt
May 12-25 (with optional extensions to Alexandria and Sharm el-Sheik May 25-28) CAIRO, LUXOR, ASWAN, NILE RIVER CRUISE, ABU SIMBEL Cost: $4850 including round-trip airfare from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Payment deadlines: February 15th - $250 deposit to reserve place March 15th – Balance of payment due.

Intellectual Expedition in Greece and Turkey
May 25 – June 7 ATHENS, DELPHI, THE GREEK ISLANDS OF SAMOS, KOS, WEST COAST OF TURKEY (including Ephesus) Cost: $5052 including round-trip airfare from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Payment deadlines: February 15th - $250 deposit to reserve place March 15th – Balance of full payment due.

All lodging is included in first class, five-star hotels. Cabins on the luxury cruise all have large exterior views of the Nile/Lake Naser, and are aboard five-star cruises. Accommodations are all double-occupancy. Single rooms can be provided for the complete program at an additional cost and are subject to availability. For more information on these exciting trips, please contact Dr. Clinton at : 903-434-8186; or call 903-434-8134. You may also learn more at

Reprinted from the NTCC Website,


Junie B. Jones Comes To NTCC

Whatley Center stages play based on popular children's book series.

MT. PLEASANT, TX., Jan 25, 2009 -- The popular children’s book Junie B. Jones will come to life at the Whatley Center for the Performing Arts at Northeast Texas Community College on Saturday, January 31. The show begins at 2 p.m. and admission is $10 for adults and $5 for ages 17-and-under and NTCC students.

“We are very excited to bring this show to the Whatley Center. This is a great opportunity for families to come out to see what we have to offer and enjoy a high quality professional show at a very affordable price,” Whatley Center Director Carolyn Franks said.

The performance is underwritten by Joe and Marjorie Bernat of Mount Pleasant.

The entire family will enjoy a whimsical trip into the world of Barbara Park’s bestselling children’s book series. Outspoken, precocious, lovable Junie B. Jones stars in a colorful, funny, fast-paced musical about new friends, new glasses, sugar cookies, the annual kickball tournament, and other various first-grade angst-ridden situations. Follow her adventures as she writes down the story of her life in her “Top-Secret Personal Beeswax Journal.”

This new musical is based on four volumes in Barbara Park’s Junie B. Jones series of books, illustrated by Denise Brunkus and published by Random House: Junie B, First Grader (at Last!); Junie B, Boss of Lunch; Junie B, One-Man Band; and Top-Secret Personal Beeswax: A Journal by Junie B (and Me!).

After a brief New York City-area tour in spring 2004, Junie B. Jones premiered Off-Broadway at the Lucille Lortel Theatre in July 2004, and is now one of Theatreworks USA’s most popular productions. Junie B. Jones began its national tour in fall 2004, and a second national touring company began touring in spring 2005. The show returned for engagements at the Lortel Theatre in November 2005 and March 2008. Junie B. Jones is able, as are all Theatreworks USA productions, to play a wide range of venues, from large Broadway-sized performing arts centers in major metropolitan areas to elementary school cafeterias in small towns.

To reserve your tickets now, contact the Whatley box office at 903-434-8181. To learn about this and other upcoming events at the Whatley Center, call or visit

Reprinted from the NTCC Website,


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