Tuesday, February 17, 2009

TCOA Sponsors Scholarship Contest

Essay contest will award a $500 scholarship to the winning high school senior

INTERNET -- Texas high school seniors who have a personal definition of 'scholarship' could turn that into tuition money.

The Texas Conference on Aging (TCOA) is sponsoring an essay contest and will offer a $500 scholarship to the winning senior high school student. Deadline for entries is March 27, 2009. The subject of the essay is, "What This Scholarship Means to Me."

Entrants must be a high school senior being raised by grandparents. Entrants must also supply proof of good academic standing, a letter of recommendation from a teacher or principal, and proof of family income for the past year.

Essays must be no shorter than 400 words (two pages double spaced maximum), and typed with one-inch margin. Essays must also include a cover sheet bearing the entrant's name, address, phone number, name of high school and name of grandparents. Essays should be submitted with letters of recommendation and proof of good academic standing, such as a report card or transcript.

Entries should be mailed to:
Kaye Grayson, Chair
TCOA Student Scholarship Committee
Grapevine Senior Center
421 Church St.
Grapevine, TX 76051


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